Learners, Start Your Engines

For the most part, I’m not a big fan of remote control cars. They’re loud. They’re fast. They’re inevitably driven around my feet while I’m trying to cook dinner.

But they are a lot of fun to get out when it’s learning time!

Learning with a Remote Control Car

  1. Decide which facts you want to work on with your kid. These could be math problems, letter sounds, state capitols, etc.
  2. Write each fact on a single piece of paper. Small pieces of paper work better than larger pieces because they have less of a chance of falling off.
  3. Sit on one side of the room with the facts and have your kid sit on the other side with the car and the remote control.
  4. Have your kid drive the car to you. Attach one fact to the top of the car with a small piece of tape.
  5. Let your kid drive the car back and ask him to answer the problem, sound out the letter, etc.
  6. Repeat for each fact.

To up the difficulty . . . and the fun . . . create obstacles for the car to go around as it goes back and forth–pillows, kitchen stool, ramp made from wooden blocks. You could also take this game outside for an off-road learning experience.

When you’re all done, wave your checkered flag (you have one, don’t you?!?) and join your kid in the winner’s circle. On your mark. Get set. Go!


Filed under Games, Learning Activities

2 responses to “Learners, Start Your Engines

  1. Shelley

    Very cute Idea!! I hate remote control cars–they eat batteries!! But this could be really fun :)

  2. Stephanie G.

    I had no choice but to share this idea on FaceBook! Wonderful idea. Can hardly wait to try it. Thank you for sharing.

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